Feb 19, 2012

Saatnya "Melawan" secara BARU

Kerja Sama Trilateral
Potong Birokrasi yang Berbelit

Oleh: Ermalindus Sonbay, putra daerah Kefamenanu. 

Patologi birokrasi yang akut telah mencerai Indonesia dalam banyak bidang, khususnya dalam semangat mengedepankan transparansi dalam birokrasi. Kehancuran negara yang didirikan Soekarno ini akhirnya menjadi sesuatu yang nyata. Jakarta sentris yang berusaha dihapuskan sejak reformasi bergulir hanyalah omong kosong belaka, bahkan tema ini menjadi jualan politik yang basi. Semangat membangun daerah berbasis otonomi terbentur strategi dan grand design pemerintah pusat yang katanya gemuk dan busuk karena aroma polusi dan kemacetan yang tak kunjung selesai. Untuk mengatasi kemacetan dan polusi serta berbagai persoalan urban di Jakarta saja pemerintah tidak mampu, dan keadaan terburuk dialami oleh jutaan penduduk yang tinggal jauh dari Jakarta.

Untuk mengurus daerah sendiri, seperti NTT, segala sesuatu harus datang dari Jakarta. Jakarta bahkan tidak pernah memberikan kesejukan sedikit pun. Jakarta bahkan tidak pernah tahu apa yang sudah begitu akut di level akar rumput. Suara perubahan mentok karena hanya ditumpuk di belakang meja para petinggi pemilik “RFS” yang katanya sejuk dengan AC yang super elite.

Kerja sama trilateral berbasis semangat kedaerahan merupakan salah satu bentuk kerja sama yang boleh jadi urgen untuk situasi NTT. Mengapa potensi bertetangga dengan Timor Leste dan Negara Bagian Australia Utara tidak bisa dibangun dengan mantap. Dilli-Kupang-Darwin [DKD] adalah ideal mengembangkan potensi tiga wilayah yang masing-masingnya memiliki sedikit kesamaan.

Darwin cenderung menjadi bagian yang agak ditinggalkan di Australia. Timor Leste dan NTT juga terbelit dengan kasus kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan warisan kolonialisme. Nah, untuk membuka mata pusat-pusat pemerintahan yang korup dengan peselingkuhan tak senonoh yang terus dilakukan dengan kalangan pemilik modal, kreativitas anak-anak daerah menjadi sesuatu yang penting.

Feb 17, 2012

Pencemaran Laut Timor (Kegagalan Diplomasi Indonesia)

Oleh: Ermalindus Sonbay

Daerah di luar pulau Jawa merupakan anak kandung NKRI yang menjalani hari-hari hidupnya sebagai anak tiri. Stigma kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan Indonesia justeru menjadi jelas di wilayah-wilayah ini. NTT sebagai salah satu provinsi yang dikategorikan miskin dan terbelakang hingga kini belum juga mampu hadir sebagai bagian utuh dan integral dari NKRI. Bukan cuma problematika sosial yang kompleks, hal-hal miris lainnya seolah terus dibebankan pada provinsi dengan ikon komodo ini.

Pencemaran laut Timor yang merugikan nelayan-nelayan NTT seakan bukan merupakan soal penting. Padahal, luas pencemaran yang sudah melebihi separoh luas wilayah NTT ini membuat setengah dari nelayan NTT tidak bisa bekerja maksimal. Ibarat sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga lagi, NTT kian terseok sebagai salah satu provinsi yang tak diperhatikan. Setelah luas dan batas wilayah NKRI dikikis pasca-hilangnya gugusan pulau pasir (ashmore reef), urusan kepemilikan laut Timor oleh tiga negara, Australia-Indonesia-Timor Leste kian amburadul. Celah Timor hampir tidak memberi kontribusi sedikit pun bagi kemajuan dan perkembangan NTT serta Indonesia umumnya.

Feb 16, 2012

Prosa Liris ( Setungku Api )

Oleh: Monika N. Arundhati

Monika N. Arundhati
Malam ini malam Kamis. Sedang duduk aku di hadapan setungku api. Ada sunyi  berteriak keras di sepanjang koridor jiwa. Sebuah angin. Daun-daun jatuh.  Dan bersama  rindu yang kutuang ke dalam secangkir  teh, kukisahkan peristiwa itu kembali untuk kau kenang;

Ketika itu  kau berkata padaku lewat sebuah pesan singkat:
“Jika aku adalah pagi, maka kau adalah mataharinya. “ 
“Dan jika aku adalah langit kelabu, kaulah pelanginya.” Aku membalasmu.
“Kau adalah puisi..” katamu lagi
“Dan kaulah diksi dan rima puisi itu..” lagi balasku.
“Ehemmh.. Bagaimana jika aku adalah sepanci air?” tanyaku.
“Jika kau sepanci air, maka akulah api yang menghantarkan panas kepada panci itu untuk mendidihkannya..”
“Apabila aku adalah setungku bara api yang ketika didekati pasti akan membakar orang yang mendekatinya, jadi apa kau? Dan apa yang akan kau perbuat terhadap api itu?" tanyaku sekali lagi.
“Jika kau adalah bara api yang dapat membuat terbakar  saat didekati, maka aku akan menjadi penjaga bara api itu dan melarang orang-orang untuk tidak bermain-main dengannya, atau bahkan menyarankan mereka untuk menjauhinya. “

Feb 15, 2012

Belajar dari Singapura

Oleh: Ermalindo Albinus Joseph Sonbay

Ermalindus Sonbay
Ideal membentuk negara dengan sentralisasi pada pergerakan kota (Polis) mungkin klasik dan ketinggalan jaman. Yang hanya membaca dan mengerti sepintas di permukaan boleh jadi akan mengatakan bahwa ini ideal Aristotelian dan Platonik yang sudah jauh dari perhatian, karena selain kadaluarsa dan tidak bisa in dalam klik pemerintahan post-modern, ideal ini juga seakan dipaksakan, apalagi di tengah masyarakat yang kian hari kian acuh terhadap pemerintahan yang ada dan dikembangkan.

Tapi mungkin baik kalau sedikit pandangan dilemparkan ke batas Barat-Utara Indonesia. Yah, Singapura. Negara kecil ini telah membuktikan kepada dunia bahwa tanpa kecukupan bahan baku, potensi energi yang minim bahkan untuk sepuluh tahun ke depan akan benar-benar berada dalam garis energi yang apa adanya, akan tetapi Singapura eksis di lingkup Asia Tenggara bahkan Asia sebagai salah satu negara yang mampu menunjukkan taringnya.

Genealogi negara ini memang dengan sendirinya harus memilih bentuk negara-kota, karena selain topografi dan demografinya menuntut demikian, kompleksitas persoalan di Singapura, khususnya persoalan sosial memiliki pusat bidik yang lain. Bandingkan dengan Indonesia yang harus terus berkutat pada persoalan sosial-urban, kemiskinan, pun soal-soal patologis lainnya di lingkup birokrasi.

Feb 13, 2012

Alfredo Alves Reinado's Story

Place of origin: Maubessi --- source

Alfredo Reinado (photo: Maubesi blogspot)
Alfredo Alves Reinando was killed in the apparent assassination attempt on President Jose Ramos Horta on 11 February 2008. After the Indonesian invasion, Alfredo and his family fled from advancing attacks. In 1978, at only 12 years of age, he was forced to work as a helper, TBO, for a soldier from Sulawesi. As a TBO he witnessed many military offensives. At the end of the soldier’s tour of duty, he took Alfredo, against his wishes, to South East Sulawesi. Alfredo was sent to school, but the soldier and members of his family often mistreated him. On one occasion after being severely mistreated, Alfredo ran away by bus and then boat to Kalimantan. He worked there for several years until 1986 when he was able to take a boat back to East Timor. He was 19 years of age.

In Dili Alfredo joined the clandestine movement and in 1995 led a boatload of East Timorese refugees to Australia. In Australia he worked in the shipyards in Western Australia, and after the referendum in East Timor returned home. After 2002 he entered the East Timorese military and was appointed commander of the Naval Unit. However, in July 2005 he was demoted because of misconduct and assigned to the military police. In 2006 he deserted to join a group of rebel soldiers who earlier had deserted, and in May 2006 was involved in an attack on Dili. Then followed manhunts, capture, escape from jail and further raids, until he was killed in February 2008, in circumstances which have still not been established.

Feb 2, 2012


Amo Belo (foto: FH)
Na guerra de Manufahi foram vários os intervenientes, mas dois foram os protagonistas, quer pela condução das batalhas quer pela influência na história de Timor. Falamos de Dom Boaventura da Costa Souto Maior e de Filomeno da Câmara de Melo Cabral.

1º Dom Boaventura da Costa

Era natural de Same. E era filho de Dom Duarte da Costa e da senhora dona Rosa da Costa Noikerek. Dona Rosa era natural de Viqueque e era irmão do liurai Dom Mateus de Araújo (conforme Mestre António Vicente Soares) A minha opinião é de que Dona Rosa era irmã de Dom Mateus da Costa Rangel Pinto, régulo de Viqueque. Dom Boaventura teve um irmão, Vicente da Costa e duas irmãs: Maria da Costa e Quitéria da Costa.

Boaventura da Costa foi educado na escola das Missões Católicas, em Lahane (Díli). No Relatório sobre as Missões e estabelecimentos de ensino, o então Superior e Vigário Geral das Missões de Timor afirmava que Dom Boaventura “entrou no Colégio da Missão de Lahane em 1895, e foi raptado pelo povo de Manufahi em 1898, por ocasião da revolta daquele reino”. Nesse relatório, o nome dele era: Boaventura da Costa Fernandes.


Amo Belo (foto AP)
A guerra de Manufahi terminara. Dom Boaventura da Costa perdeu a guerra. Nos redutos de Riac e de Leo-Laco reinava silêncio. A população de Manufahi foi obrigada a sobreviver e a viver em silêncio. Mas palavra “Manufahi” corria de boca em boca por todo o território.

O governador Filomeno da Câmara celebrava a vitória e até permitiu a celebração da festa de corte de cabeças em Díli.

Pela primeira vez na história de Timor deflagrou um conflito de tamanhas proporções. O senhor Réné Pélissier, sobre cujo estudo nos baseámos para escrever breves crónicas afirma que um território de pequenas dimensões como o de Timor Português pudesse causar aos colonizadores tantos e tão difíceis problemas. E para poder dominar a revolta de Manufahi o governo colonial de teve recorrer ás forças regulares do exército e da marinha; às companhias de Moçambique; e teve de mobilizar, no território 6.234 moradores e mais de 108.000 guerreiros alistados em vários arraiais. A campanha dirigida pelo governador durou 221 dias. Filomeno da Câmara ganhou a guerra de Manufahi, mas quem lhe garantiu a vitória foram os Timorenses que formavam 99% do contingente governamental.


Amo Belo
Terminada a guerra de Manufahi, o governador Filomeno da Câmara tomou medidas drásticas em relação ao povo de Manufahi.

Dom Boaventura da Costa Souto Maior, régulo de Manufahi foi preso e levado para destino desconhecido. A 18 de Julho 1913, seria destituído de todas as honras: cessa as funções de régulo e perde a patente de coronel. Eram igualmente destituídos alguns régulos seus aliados: Dom Afonso Soares Pereira, rei-coronel de Bubiçuço; Dom Clementino Barreto Pereira, de Ulmera; Dom Miguel de Ermera.

Em Dili, foram presos alguns timorenses implicados na revolta: António de Ataíde, Luís de Ataíde, Manuel Bianco, Marçal Sequeira, Carlos da Costa Ximenes, Domingos de Sena Barreto, José Rafael de Araújo, Hipólito Mariano do Rego, Pio de Ataíde e Francisco do Rego.

As companhias de moradores de Díli, Sica (Colmera), Bidau, Aipelo e Batugadé foram dissolvidas. As companhias de moradores de Manatuto e Baucau foram transformadas em cipaios.

A GUERRA DE MANUFHAI – 3ª fase (continuação)

Amo Belo (foto Ramelau.com)
Os meses de Agosto, Setembro e Outubro de 1912 foram dramáticos para Dom Boaventura da Costa, para a família e para os seus combatentes. Pode-se dizer, foi um desastre geral para o povo assuwain de Manufahi. Derrotado e acossado pelas forças portuguesas e seus aliados (moradores e auxiliares timorenses) o povo de Manufahi tinha perdido tudo; casas, plantações, culturas, gado, etc.

O liurai Dom Boaventura estava escondido na floresta e nos pântanos de Betano. Da sua família, perdeu a mãe e os irmãos. Relata Jaime de Inso: “ Toda a família daquele famoso régulo foi decapitada no próprio solar, incluindo a mãe, cuja sorte ouvimos lastimar, porque se tinha mostrado amiga dos portugueses” (Timor 1912, p. 198).

Feb 1, 2012


Dom Carlos F.X.  Belo
Estávamos no mês de Julho de 1912. No dia 17, a 10 ª Companhia moçambicana chega a vila de Same, mas estava destruída. A companhia foi encarregada de ocupar a parte oriental da colina de Leo-Laco, num sítio chamado Bandeira. No dia 19 as forças governamentais lançam uma mina de 42 kg de pólvora que abre uma brecha na muralha de Riac.

Em consequência dessa acção, dá-se o assalto às regiões ao sul de Riac. No dia 20 os rebeldes atacam Bandeira. Após renhidos combates, o destacamento do governo toma o lado norte de Riac. No dia 21 de Julho Riac rende-se sem reservas. Os rebeldes tiveram 59 mortos. Da população, 4.536 pessoas foram presas. Os prisioneiros tinham em seu poder 342 espingardas, 1.100 azagaias, 1.800 espadas e nenhuma pólvora. Na tomada de Riac, os portugueses tiveram 40 mortos e 90 feridos. Os portugueses efectuaram 628 disparos e gastaram 30.000 cartuchos. O cerco de Riac durou 41 dias.

Hanorin “Lingua Materna”: Benção ka Maldição

Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão *)

Ohin loron ema ko’alia barak kona ba atu hanorin “língua materna”. Maibe, discussão kona ba assunto ida ne’e hamosu tiha ona tragédia Babilonisch Sprachverwirrung (husi Jerman: runguranga Babilônia). Iha Bíblia laran mosu lenda ida, wainhira rai boot hanesan Babilônia usa língua maibe hamosu de’it confusão iha sira nia leet. Ida ko’alia, seluk la compriende; seluk hasa’e lian, ida la hatene saida los! Nune’e, wainhira sira halo arquitectura ida atu harii “torre Babel” (símbolo nacionalismo?), maibe la compreende malu: haruka lori batako, sira ba kuru fali we, haruka lalin fatuk, sira ba tesi fali ai! Runguranga. To’o ikus mai “torre” ne’e naksobu no riba ba sira nia leten, mate dodok tiha hotu.

Barak ka oituan, discussão kona ba “língua materna” hatudu duni buat nebe mosu iha Bíblia. Tan sa? Tan, UNESCO, Embaixadora Kirsty Gusmão, Rede Feto no FONGTIL, hamutuk ho REPETE 13 no Ministério Educação hakarak hari’i “torre” iha cidade Babel (Díli?), maibe sira la compreende malu, ikus mai lês malu iha TVTL. At liu tan, iha fórum acadêmico ida hanesan iha UNTL, ita la halo discussão cientifico maibe bronkas fali hanesan iha “mercado hali-laran”. Hatudu tragédia bo’ot liu tan: ita seidauk hanoin iha nível acadêmico, maibe iha nível ativismo político de’it. Tebes, ohin loron papel acadêmico sira nian oituan liu. Ho respeito tomak, maibe Organização Sociedade Civil la’os instituto acadêmico sira! Mundo acadêmico iha ninia código de conduta rasik. Buat nebe mosu iha UNTL – tuir ha’u nia hanoin – hanesan humilhação (penghinaan) ba valor acadêmico no intelectual; hodi lori UNTL ba “decadência” no “desacralização”. Basa, nu’udar símbolo no “palácio” ate “templo” ba pensador no cientista sira, UNTL labele sai fali fatin atu tuda malu no hakilar malu.

Jan 31, 2012

Doctorism v. Big Brotherism: A response to Big Man Culture V. Mauberism

by Fidelis Magalhaes 
source: mailing list etan 

I found Anderson´s article on Big Brotherism v. Mauberism rather romantic. In his attempt to draw a philosophical, or rather cultural, divide among the Timorese leaders, he fails to reflect the reality on the ground. So in this response I set out to clarify a number of issues. 

First, he claims that the ‘Big man’ culture means that local and political conflict are seen as resolvable by the intervention of a great personality, a hero or mediator. The ‘big man’ politician, like the clan leader or the Liurai, can be seen as a unifying force, expected to impose himself on the situation and then distribute benefits. Still in the same context, he draws a parallel with the Melanesian culture of a big man who garners loyalty by distributing club goods. Although, this quick assertions may ring true if we conduct a hasty analysis, but once one goes deeper one would find that things are not that black and white. In fact that very big brotherism that he chastises in fact is a subset of Mauberism it-self. Big Brotherism is a product of the resistance years. It did not come out of the blue without a clear genesis. Big brotherism, despite the fact that it had already been used in the jungle among the FALINTIL fighters partially due to the near annihilation of its original leaders and in search for comfort out of a collective orphanhood, became popularized by the sudden participation of the youth circa. 1989. This last wave of participation and their obvious age difference with Xanana and other FALINTIL leaders allowed this big brotherism to grow. 

Timorese elections: ‘big man’ culture v. ‘mauberism’

by Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson
Tim Anderson
(photo facebook note)
This year’s (2012) elections in Timor Leste will not just be about a clash of parties or personalities, but also a confrontation between two important themes: ‘mauberism’ and ‘big man’ culture.

Fretilin’s better known ‘mauberism’ is an assertion of indigenous identity which stresses cultural pride and collective action. ‘Maubere’ was the derogatory word used by the Portuguese for ordinary Timorese. Fretilin reclaimed the idea to stress identification with these same people. Common rural people (and not a European-style working class) were seen as the revolutionary subjects of an independence movement aiming at ‘ukun rasik an’ (self determination).

Many have written on the practical (e.g. literacy) and cultural achievements (post-colonial self-confidence) of ‘mauberism’. A criticism is sometimes made: did ‘mauberism’ elevate a racial element which was at times used against the many ‘mestizo’ or mixed race Timorese? If it did, the next question would be: to what extent does this matter?

Jan 30, 2012

Alferes Francisco Duarte “O Arbiru” (1862 – 1899) in Atabae

Ceremony of Arbiru 1968/1970
(photo: Norbeto Benigno,  facebook)
Alferes (Sublieutenant) Francisco Duarte “O Arbiru” (the invincible) remains immortalized in the leafy Farol district of Dili in the form of a well-preserved street sign set against the manicured grass of a wellpreserved colonial residence, now Indonesian military squat. But who was Duarte “ O Arbiru”?

Why was this figure memorialized by Portugal? Indeed, why has the memory of this man been preserved? Indeed are Portuguese, Timorese, and Indonesian remembrances of this figure at variance? Or, is his name just another icon left over from history? A Kemak legend retold to the author in trilingual Kemak / Portuguese / English form by Snr. António Luís Mota goes as follows:
Celebration of Arbiru 1968/1970

Bui Cari hatu Bui Cari
Arbiru mate ara lolo
Bui cari hatu Bui Cari
Arbiru tau tuli lolo
Beu beu sala kahi sai
Au eh dale tura Kahi sai
Bui Cari rock Bui cari
Arbiru (the invincible) was gunned down
Bui Cari Bui Cari
Arbiru lost his life
All of a sudden the evil was done
I meant to comfort him, but it was all over

(photo: Norberto Benigno, facebook)
Such was the reputation of this man, at least in Kemak lore, that it was believed that he could only be killed with a golden bullet, and such is how, in this story, he met his end.

In fact Duarte, the “Lawrence of Timor” in official Portuguese military writings, served more than one governor in at least five major military campaigns. Certainly his name became known in the Macau press at the time the great Maubara rebellion ofMay  – July 1893. According to Pélissier’s reading of historical archives, Duarte was believed to have been the real instigator of this affair. Relieved of his position he nevertheless spearheaded subsequent suppression campaigns on the Balibo frontier, at Manufahi in 1895, albeit grievously wounded on October 7, only to recover to return to action in Cotubaba in July 1896 and Lamaquitos in 1897 (Pélissier 1996: 124-6, 129, 140-2, 144-9, 151-2, 154-8, 161-72, 175-7, 186-9, 210, 243). Died in combat on 17 July 1899, Francisco Duarte “O Arbiru” was laid to rest in Santa Cruz cemetery, where his mausoleum remains. Exactly forty years later on 17 July 1959, a stone was erected in his honour at the actual site of his death in Bobonaro.

The monument is duly listed in the Indonesian inventory (Inventarisasi Kesenian, 1978), with Duarte duly recorded as a Portuguese “pahlawan” (hero), albeit obviously not of the Second World War as here stated. But for most Timorese O Arbiru was the name of the small Portuguese ship that tragically and mysteriously disappeared with much loss of life in the Flores Sea in May 1973 while on a mission to Bangkok to requisition rice supplies.

Tourist attractions in Atabae

by Lelobere (small edit by Bere Buti)

Atabae is one of the popular tourist destinations in East Timor. This is an excellent place to explore while on a trip to the country. Atabae is the capital of the sub districts Atabae and Suco Atabae. This beautiful city is situated in the north of the district of Bobonaro,

Atabae is nestled at an elevation of 29 meters above sea level. The Savu Sea lies at a distance of about 5 km. The provincial capital of Dili is located 55 km to the nor theast of Atabae. The district capital of Maliana is positioned about 17 km to the south of Atabae,

As of 2010, the sub district Atabae is inhabited by 10,769 people. Atabae is among the major centers of the National Kemak language. The Atabae sub district is divided into four Sucos -

  1. Aidabaleten
  2. Atabae
  3. Rairobo
  4. Hataz (or Hatas)

History of Atabae

In the year 1893, the ruler of Atabae joined hands with the Liurai of Maubara and rebelled against the Portuguese colonialists. The revolt ended when the Portuguese gave compensation in the form of money, buffalo and pigs and left the place. In October 1975, the Indonesian troops took advantage of the turmoil before the end of the Portuguese rule in East Timor and invaded the districts of Bobonaro, Cova Lima and Oecussi-Ambeno. East Timor was annexed completely until the year 2002 when eventually they regained their independence.

Tourist attractions in Atabae

There is a plethora of places of interest in Atabae that are surely worth a visit. The Malae-Atabae region is one such place. This is an ideal place for bird watching. It is an interesting area for ornithologists. Sprawling over 3,000 hectares of forest and wetlands, this place is home to a variety of avian species. The Monte Atabae is another place for sightseeing in Atabae sub district. Hordes of tourists from different corners of the world come to Atabae in East Timor every year. There are various activities that you can participate in during your tour to this city. Come to Atabae and enjoy a tour that will certainly be a memorable one.

Jan 29, 2012

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (for the period from 20 September 2011 to 6 January 2012)

I. Introduction

1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1969 (2011), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) until 26 February 2012. It covers major developments in Timor-Leste and the implementation of the Mission’s mandate since 20 September 2011. My Special Representative, Ameerah Haq, continued to lead the Mission and coordinate with United Nations system actors and other stakeholders. She was assisted by my Deputy Special Representative for Governance Support, Development and Humanitarian Coordination, Finn Reske- Nielsen, and by my Deputy Special Representative for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law, Shigeru Mochida. UNMIT continued its “one United Nations system” approach, consistent with its integrated strategic framework.

II. Political and security developments since 20 September 2011

2. The overall situation in Timor-Leste remained calm. Political parties continued their preparations for the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections, with several parties holding national congresses, including the Partido Democrático (PD), the second largest party in the Alliance for a Parliamentary Majority (AMP) Government and the third largest party in Parliament. Party leaders continued to call for security and stability during the electoral period. In his speech on 28 November, the thirty-sixth anniversary of the Timor-Leste Declaration of Independence, the President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, commended all Timorese for contributing to a positive atmosphere of peace and hope. As a follow-up to the dialogue among national leaders co-hosted by President Ramos-Horta and by the Bishop of Baucau on 26 July (see S/2011/641, para. 11), another meeting is planned to be held prior to the elections.

Jan 23, 2012

Gus Dur dan Tionghoa

Gus Dur memang hanya dua tahun menjabat presiden RI, 1999-2001. Namun kiai bernama lengkah KH Abdurrahman Wahid ini punya tempat khusus di hati warga Tionghoa. Nama Gus Dur selalu disebut-sebut dalam suasana tahun baru Imlek seperti sekarang.

"Kalau tidak ada Gus Dur, kita tidak bisa main barongsai atau liang-liong ke mana-mana," kata Chandra Wurianto, dedengkot barongsai sekaligus ketua Persobarin Jatim.

Tak hanya atraksi barongsai, perayaan Imlek pun tak akan semeriah sekarang. Ini berkat komitmen Gus Dur pada hak-hak asasi manusia dan pembelaannya kepada kelompok minoritas. Gus Dur jauh sebelum jadi presiden ikut berjuang agar Khonghucu kembali diakui sebagai agama resmi di Indonesia.

Jan 20, 2012

Francisco Maia in Memory - Maun Sico nia Ain Fatin

Francisco Maia (Sico)
Bainhira ema ida hakotu nia iis la signifika moris too ona nia rohan. Mate katak husik hela mundu ida hodi hakat ba mundu seluk. Ema ida-idak sei hakotu nia iis maibe ho tempu no fatin ne'ebe la hanesan. La iha ema ida hatene bainhira nia hakotu iis. Ita ema la soi atu hases-an bainhira loron ne'e monu ba ita nia moris. 

Francisco Maia ho naran istima Sico, oan mane numeru haat husi maun-alin nain hitu. Moris iha rai Lolocolo, Suco Atabae iha tinan tolu nulu resin liu ba. Hafoin marka hela istoria lubuk ida iha nia vida moris, nia husik hela mundu ida ne'e loron sanulu resin lima fula dezembru tinan rua nulu sanulu resin ida iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares. 

Francisco matenek koalia lian Tokodede no Mambae hanesan lian segundu, lian Kemak hanesan lian inan nian. Hanesan Timor oan, nia koalia Tetun diak los, bele mos koalia lian Indonesia no Ingles uitoan. Nia pasa tempu lubuk iha baliza entre ema Tokodede iha rai Lisadila, Maubara no ema Mambae iha rai Sare, Hatulia. Hakat liu tempu joven nian iha rai Same, Manufahi. Nia halo kolega ho ema barak oi-oin deit, koalia ho oin midar no hamanasa ba ema hotu. 

Durante nia vida moris, Sico hasoru esperensia oin-oin henasan oan ki'ak. Nia ho idade eskola primaria nian bele ona fila natar, kuda hare, hamos du'ut iha natar, ko'a hare, sama hare, iha tempu hanesan nia halo toos, harii lutu, kuda batar, iha tempu seluk nia mos krau atan diak ida, harii krau luhan, hakiak krau, fahi, bibi no manu. Maibe mos nia la haluha tempu ba eskola. Fila husi eskola, hala'o nafatin rutinidade sira ne'e. Ho kondisaun minimu tebes, nia kosege remata Eskola Primaria iha Sare. 

Francisco kontinua nia estudu Pre-Secundaria no Secundaria iha rai Same, Manufahi. Nia toman ona hela mesak, dook husi inan no maun alin sira iha rai Atabae. Husi Same, Francisco kontinua nia estudu iha rai lulik Taci Tolu, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi ka STIE, maibe tanba funu 1999 tama dadauk, universidade taka, ema ida-idak halai namkari, nia la konsege remata estudu ida ne'e. Nia mos hases-an husi rai Timor ba hela iha rai Sulawesi besik tinan no muda fali ba rai Surabaya, hafoin tinan 2001, fila hikas ba rai doben Timor. 

Hanesan estudante, Francisco involve-an maka'as iha rede klandestina, funu ba libertasaun nasional. Dala barak nia hasoru risku oi-oin hala'o aktividade estafeta, obriga-an hato'o hela karta ruma ba 'ai-laran' no mos karta resposta husi 'ai laran' ba cidade. Francisco nia involvimentu iha funu libertasaun nasional la hakerek iha  istoria, la buka deklaran ba komisaun ida no la hein estadu atu kondekora. Nia la sura saida mak nia fo ba nasaun no la hein ka la husu buat ruma husi nasaun. 

Tempu agora, Timor oan barak deklara-an mesak funu nain, monta istoria mesak furak no  kmanek atu hetan kondekorasaun husi estadu. Ita agradese ba Timor oan sira ne'ebe fo-an duni ba funu libertasaun maibe mos la kestiona sira ne'ebe hakarak manipula istoria atu hetan rekuinesementu. 

Francisco nein hanoin atu hetan rekuinesementu ba nia involvimentu, nia hili vida hanesan taxista durante tinan barak, maibe nunka atu hetan moris suksesu. Ho ida ne'e, nia esforsu-an atu sai ba buka moris iha ema nia rain. Iha tinan 2008, Francisco husik hela rai Timor ba buka moris iha rai Irlandia. 

Serbisu iha ema nia rain, ho kondisaun klimatika malirin, situasaun enviromentu diferente ho rai Timor, kontribui maka'as ba problema saude no psikologia. Francisco hetan moras iha ema nia rain. Nia esforsu-an maka'as ho energia postivu atu rekopera nia saude, maibe moras kontinua aumenta loron ba loron. 

Loron rua nulu fulan maiu tinan rua nulu sanulu resin ida, Francisco desidi fila ba rai Timor. Iha familia nia le'et, esforsu oi-oin hala'o atu salva nia moris, maibe vida moris no mate laos ita ema mak kaer. Tanba ne'e, iha situasaun kalma no domin nia laran Francisco hakotu nia iis iha hospital nasional iha loron sanulu resin lima fulan dezembru tinan rua nulu sanulu resin ida. Franciso husik hela nia sposa no oan nain tolu ne'ebe sei ki'ik.

Boa viagem maun Sico, Deskansa ho Dame, Rest in Peace. 

Africa Leste, Janeiru 2012. 
Komemora maun Sico nia mate ba loron  haat nulu (40), 
15 Dezembru 2011 - 24 Janeiru 2012.

East Timor's Stolen Children

Written by Citra Dyah Prastuti

Families seek young taken away during Indonesia's occupation

From his village around 160 km from East Timor's capital Dili, Miguel Amaral recalls the day his 6-year-old son Cipriano was taken away.

"It was 1977 and the Indonesians came in a military helicopter," he says. "We had no warning. We just saw a helicopter flying away with our son in it."

Many of East Timor's missing children have found their way home, but hundred of parents like Amaral are still dreaming of the day they will be reunited with their lost sons and daughters. During Indonesia's brutal occupation of East Timor, some 4,000 Timorese children were taken out of the country by Indonesians.

Cipriano was taken along with his uncle Urbano, where they were held in an orphanage run by the Indonesian military.

"In 1978 the wives of some Indonesian soldiers came to visit," he recalls. "Cipriano was a cute looking boy with white, pale skin and he and another girl were chosen and taken away. He has been missing since."

Jan 18, 2012


Enquanto o governo português intensificava as operações na área de Manufahi, eclodia na zona Quelicai e Laga uma revolta que ficou conhecida como a “revolta de Quelicai”. Na verdade essa revolta ocorreu nos sucos de Bolehá ( Laga) e de Lawateri (antigamente pertencia a Kelicai) e Quelicai.

Fontes portuguesas dizem que essa revolta não teve ligação com a grande revolta de Manufahi. E que o motivo principal da rebelião das gentes de Bolehá e Lawateri era o dos impostos e que a revolta ia ser liderada pelo régulo de Vemasse.

Fosse como fosse, no dia 7 de Julho de 1912, o governo mobilizou forças que incluíam marinheiros da canhoeira a Pátria, soldados indianos, moradores dos reinos de Quelicai, Laga, Venilale e Vemasse, Fatumaca e Baucau.

Jan 17, 2012

A GEURRA DE MANUFAHI (continuação)

Os acontecimentos ocorridos nos meses de Maio, Junho Julho de 1912.

Durante os meses de Maio e Junho de 1912, as forças do governo avançavam lentamente sobre o reduto de Cablac. O governador Filomeno da Câmara dirigia as operações. Nesse período o governo dispunha de 21 oficiais, 463 soldados de primeira linha, 597 moradores e 7.757 auxiliares. Estes provinham dos reinos de Fatomasi, Liquiçá, Maubara e Maúbo. Estas forças estavam colocadas á volta de Cablac, e iniciam o ataque no dia 25 ou 26 de Maio.

Mas os manufaistas conseguiram levar melhor sobre os atacantes que foram repelidos. Do alto das montanhas sucediam-se avalanchas de rochas que resvalavam pelas encostas. Os auxiliares retiram-se em debandada deixando dois mortos atrás de si. A 27 de Maio quatro colunas apoiadas pela artilharia voltam ao ataque. Da montanha choviam pedras, rochas, flechas e chumbos. Desta vez, as forças governamentais depois de dispararem 405 tiros nos quais foram gastos 20.000 cartuchos, conseguiram desalojar os “rebeldes”que abandonam o Cablac de Aituto.

Jan 12, 2012


A revolta de Ambeno iniciada pelo régulo Dom João da Cruz Ornai deu-se no dia 22 de Março e não no dia 25, como eu tinha escrito na crónica anterior. Recebia a notícia da revolta em Díli no dia 26 de Março de 1912, o governo decide mandar a canhoeira a Pátria a Oe-Cusse com o objectivo de dominar os revoltosos. Aprontou-se o navio que transportou uma força de 40 soldados moçambicanos e 3 sargentos sob o comando do tenente de infantaria Sérgio Morais e Castro e 31 moradores de Baucau, tendo à frente o alferes Afonso da Costa. Pelas 16.00 horas do dia 28 largava o navio para Pante Macassar.

Em Batugadé, embarcaram o tenente Jorge Figueiredo de Barros, comandante militar de Oe-Cusse, o régulo Dom Hugo da Costa, alguns chineses e 25 moradores, todos fugitivos de Pante Macassar no dia dos ataques dos homens de Ambeno. (Na crónica anterior eu tinha dito que o padre António de Morais também tinha seguido para Batugadé, mas cometi um lapso, afinal ele estava em Oe-Cusse).

Jan 10, 2012


Por Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo
(Forum Haksesuk)

Ao mesmo tempo que decorria a campanha contra o reino de Manufahi, no dia 25 de Março de 1912, começava em Ambeno uma revolta chefiada pelo régulo Dom João da Cruz Ornay. Os motivos dessa revolta? Eram vários e complexas. Mas a principal razão era a maneira pouco prudente como foi tratado o régulo de Ambeno pelo comandante de O-Cusse.

Conta-se que o liurai tinha uma irmã que se dizia formosa e prendada pela educação que recebera no Colégio das Irmãs canossianas em Dili. Aconteceu que o sargento dos moradores de Lacló, em serviço em Pante Makasar, apaixonou-se pela irmã do régulo e pediu-lhe em casamento. Dom João Ornay não concordou com essa proposta e, mandou castigar uma criada que servia de intermediária na troca de “cartas de amor” entre a princesa e o sargento. Sabedor do facto o comandante militar chamou ao comando Dom João Ornay e repreendeu-o diante de outros chefes e ameaçando-o com palmatoadas e prisão. “O régulo conservando-se calado, ouviu-o e chorou; levado o incidente ao conhecimento dos demais chefes, deliberaram todos tirar vingança”.

Jan 8, 2012

A GUERRA DE MANUFAHI – 2ª Fase – continuação

A segunda fase ou o segundo período da guerra durou cerca de quatro meses (Fevereiro a Junho).

Os “rebeldes” tinham atacado várias povoações com o intuito de travar o avanço das forças do governo. Nalgumas zonas por eles controladas haviam recolhido mantimentos, bens e gado no alto nas serras (fohon tutun).

O governador Filomeno da Câmara e os seus homens estavam decididos em avançar para Cablac combatendo os rebeldes no seu terreno. Mas devido à configuração do terreno e à existência de vários grupos de rebeldes espalhados pela região, foi preciso fazer primeiro o reconhecimento do terreno. As forças governamentais avançavam para Cablac em três frentes. Da zona Leste, com arrais comandados pelo capitão José Faure da Rosa; da zona oeste, os arraiais sob o comando do tenente António Valente de Almeida; da zona norte, o próprio governo e o seu quartel-general.

Nos dias 28 e 29 de Fevereiro e no dia 1 de Março de 1912, o reconhecimento do terreno foi efectuado pelo batalhão do Tenente Almeida e do padre Manuel Alves Ferreira, missionário de Maubara. Perto de Maubisse, travou-se o combate e uma bala inimiga tirou a vida ao padre Ferreira. O padre expirou às duas de madrugada do dia 2 de Março.

Jan 5, 2012



Para a grande revolta de 1911 e 19112, o Régulo Dom Boaventura havia estabelecido contactos com vários reinos: Atabae, Atsabe, Cailaco, Deribate, Ermera, Matata, Punilala, Suai, Leimean, Bibuçuço, Alas, Turiscai, Lequidoe, Raimean, Suai, Cová, etc.

No mês de Janeiro de 1912, várias povoações revoltaram-se abertamente contra o governo. Fontes portuguesas falam de levantamentos em Manucate, Lequidoe, Hatobessi, Fatuboro, Babulo, Tumau, Babulo, Loto-Po, Alas, Leolima, Aituto. Os combatentes de Manufahi e seus aliados, exibiam a antiga bandeira azul branca (da Monarquia portuguesa), ao passo que as forças governamentais exibiam a nova bandeira, verde-rubra, adoptada pelo novo Regime republicano.


A última Mensagem do Papa Bento XVI para o 45º Dia Mundial da Paz versa o tema da “Educar os Jovens para a Paz e a Justiça”.
Etimologia da “educação”

A palavra “educação” segundo alguns pedagogos, provém do verbo latino “educare”, que, no seu sentido mais primitivo, significa criar, alimentar. Outros fazem-na derivar do verbo “educere”, composto da preposição ex, que indica direcção para fora, e do verbo educere (conduzir), significando, por isso tirar de dentro para fora.

O Papa Bento XVI sublinha este segundo aspecto. Diz o Papa: “ A educação é aventura mais fundamental e difícil da vida. Educar – na sua etimologia latina educere – significa conduzir para fora de si mesmo ao centro d a realidade, rumo a uma plenitude que faz crescer a pessoa”.


Não foi um mero acaso que os homens de Dom Boaventura mataram o comandante de Same. A morte do Tenente Luís Silva teve precedentes de certa gravidade. Ele era um ríspido que chegou a esbofetear o irmão de Dom Boaventura, o dato Dom Vicente, irmão do régulo. Uma fonte holandesa diz que o oficial português tinha violado a  liurai feto, mulher
Do liurai de Manufahi.

Depois dos incidentes ocorridos na tranqueira de Same no dia 24 e 25 de Dezembro de 1911, o governo português prevendo levantamento dos reinos entrou em preparativos para mais uma campanha contra Manufahi.

Naturalmente do lado dos combatentes de Manufahi já havia muito que os preparativos para a revolta estavam planeados: contacto com os liurais de Raimean, Bubuçuço, Bobonaro, Deribate, etc. Os homens estavam armados com algumas armas de fogo e sobretudo com as chamadas armas brancas: diman (azagaia), surik, catana, flechas, parões, facas, aidona (moca, cacete) etc. Tinham também construído fortificações de defesa nos contrafortes da montanha de Cablac e nas florestas das redondezas de Same. Os locais de guerra mais importantes dos rebeldes timorenses eram as colinas de Riac e de Leo Laco.

Jan 3, 2012

Penegakan Hukum, HAM dan Good Governance Dapat Memberantas Tindak Pidana Korupsi (II Habis)

By: Arlindo Dias Sanches*

Untuk menghadapi fenomena yang demikian, di dalam upaya untuk mencapai sasaran pembangunan penyelenggaraan Negara menuju terciptanya tata pemerintahan yang bersih dan berwibawa, maka seharusnya Perdana Mentri Kay Rala Xanana beserta jajarannya mengeluarkan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang tegas dan lembaga-lembaga pemerintah ataupun lembaga non pemeritah untuk;

1. Menuntaskan penanggulangan penyalahgunaan kewenangan dalam bentuk pratik-pratik KKN dengan cara: (a). penerapan prinsip-prinsip tata pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih (good governance) pada semua tingkat dan line pemerinthan dan pada semua kegiatan, (b). pemberian sanksi yang seberat-beratnya bagi pelaku KKN sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, (c). peningkatan efektifitas pengawasan aparatur negara dan aparatur pemerintah melaui koordinasi dan sinergi pengawasan internal, ekternal dan pengawasan masyarakat, (d). meningkatkan budaya kerja aparatur yang moral, profisional, produktif dan bertanggung jawab, (e). peningkatan pemberdayaan aparatur penyelenggara negara, aparatur pemerintah, dunia usaha dan masyarakat dalam pemberantasan KKN.

Penegakan Hukum, HAM dan Good Governance Dapat Memberantas Tindak Pidana Korupsi (I)

By: Arlindo Dias Sanches

BAHWA berdasarkan opini publik baik masyarakat biasa maupun para lider partai politik, rohaniawan, Persiden RDTL, Anggota parlamen, dan Perdana Menteri TL sendiri mengakui adanya praktik KKN di tubuh pemerintahan AMP sangat tinggi. Dan melalui berbagai media cetak dan media elektronik, opini ini diperkuat berdasarkan laporan organisasi Internasional yang menyatakan bahwa korupsi di Timor-Leste sudah mencapai level ke 124 dari Negara-negara koruptor di dunia, selama pemerintahan AMP di bawah kepemimpinan Perdana Mentri Kay Rala Xanana Gosmão.

Berdasarkan opini publik tersebut maka penulis sangat prihatin dan mengharapkan kepada para aparatur penyelenggara Negara, aparatur penyelenggara pemerintah dan aparatur penegak hukum mohon intropeksi diri dan bertobatlah, meninggalkan semua pikiran, tindakan yang naïf itu dan kuburkan ke lian kubur yang terdalam bersama tahun 2011 untuk selamanya.

Journalist Allan Nairn to speak on 20 years of Organizing for Justice (ETAN)

The East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN) invites you to a discussion with journalist and activist Allan Nairn on 20 years of reporting and organizing for justice for the peoples of East Timor and Indonesia

Thursday, January 5, 2012, 7 - 9 p.m.

Graduate Center, CUNY 365 Fifth Ave (btn 34 and 35 St), Room 5307, Manhattan

Allan Nairn's reporting has been crucial in exposing U.S. complicity with human rights and war crimes by Indonesia's security forces. He has forcefully urged that U.S. officials be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Nairn will speak about the successful movement to support East Timor's self-determination and restrict U.S. military assistance to Indonesia  and its significance for Occupy Wall Street and today's global movements for justice.

On November 12, 1991, Nairn with Amy Goodman witnessed the Santa Cruz massacre in Dili, the capitol of East Timor. Nairn was beaten and had his skull cracked. Their reports of the massacre inspired the founding of ETAN, and Nairn has served as a key advisor to ETAN and was a member of its Steering Committee.

The testimony and documentation of Nairn, Goodman, and other foreign journalists who survived Santa Cruz exposed the brutality of Indonesian military occupation to the outside world, and helped spark a successful campaign in the U.S. to block military assistance to Jakarta in support of self-determination for East Timor.

Jan 2, 2012

A New Year Begins – but what else will be new?

By Agio Pereira

As we end 2011 and begin another new year, the international security arena is filled with dangerous news. The European Union continues to give little indication of being capable of taking the definitive action needed to save the Eurozone’s currency and its economy from deepening financial crisis. While the financial mess in the periphery of Greece and Portugal heralds the possible break-up of the Union, the weakness of Italy and Spain is of even greater concern.

If France was to falter, then the game is all but up. This coupled with the anemic US economy and the threat of a Chinese slow down, raises the specter of a global recession.

Potential candidates to leave the EZ, the world’s current conflicts still rage and threaten global security. The “Strait of Hormuz standoff continues as Iran films US aircraft carrier”[1] does not add to any sense of optimism. The US too, perhaps moved by its own financial crisis and desperate need to create jobs, decided to move on with $11 billion worth of arms and training for the Iraqi military. This is in spite of the apparent move by Prime Minister al-Maliki to build a one-party system with possible moves to establish closer links with Iran.[2] In the Korean Peninsula the hard line communist North Korea declares Kim Jong-un its new supreme leader in the presence of what the New York Times writer Choe Sang-Hun says was a crowd of tens of thousands, most of them uniformed soldiers, packed the plaza – named after…the North’s founding president, Kim Il-sung.[3]


Neste mês de Dezembro de 2011, completam-se os cem anos do início do conflito de Manufahi. O começo da guerra de Manfahi teve a sua origem na morte do comandante de Same tenente Luiz Álvares da Silva e de europeus (três militares e um civil) dentro da tranqueira de Same e do comandante e Faturberliu.

Como é que tudo começou?

Em Dezembro de 1911, era comandante militar de Same o tenente Luiz Álvares da Silva; e era régulo (Liurai) de Manufai Dom Boaventura da Costa.

Conta-se que havia vários dias que Dom Boaventura não aparecia no Comando apesar de várias vezes ter sido convocado pelo tenente Silva. Dias antes, o comandante até mandara à casa do liurai (na localidade de Bandeira) um soldado português, velho no Comando, amigo pessoal e compadre de Dom Boaventura. Esse soldado foi retido e depois assassinado.