by: Sister Ermalinda Tjeme (Padova, Italy)
The Lord is calling us to live, once again, brilliant time in our lives, the "Advent". Advent is primarily an event: in Jesus, God has revealed and manifested Himself as truly God and fully Human.
"Be on the watch" These are the last word of Jesus before His Passion, as His spiritual testament, Watch, be aware, Get ready. The reason is always the same: the day of the Son of Man comes without warning and His hour comes without text messaging on cell phones or sending a registered mail with acknowledgment receipt. Hence, it is necessary to be on the watch.
But what does this mean for us today, wacth, be careful, be ready? it means never forgetting that life is a pilgrimage, we must never pretend to be there already and we can never forget our goal, for the Lord comes. Keeping wacth means considering the other, loving each other as brothers and sisters - received as a gift, it means serving everybody, it means considering the health, work, talents as gifts to be shared, it means fulfilling the service that is required of us, as the last, but always as "unworthy servants" ever ready to fold our tents to go where we are called, it also means, according to the bold expression of Luther - "do not hesitate to plant a seed today, even if we knew that the world will end tomorrow".
The birth of Jesus is a past event, but the bright waves of that event is so long that it crosses the barriers of space and time, it reaches us with all powerfull energy and with all intense joy, to the point that we shall never cease to allow ourselves to be enlightened.
This is the feature of Advent, a celebration of the fact that although it is past, it continues to affect our present time. There is only one way to remain alert, vigilant, "PRAY, WATCH AND PRAY" says Jesus. Prayer purify our hearts and makes us read with God's light the progress of our lives because He is always our refuge and our salvation.

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