Oct 31, 2011

East Timor: Asean's Sleeping Beauty

By Kavi Chongkittavorn

Asean is losing East Timor big time. After a few moments of intensive discussion early this year over the possible membership of the world's youngest democracy, Asean's decision-makers remain noncommittal. In a nutshell, the issue of East Timor's membership is lying dormant. At the upcoming Asean Coordinating Council Meeting on November 16 ahead of the Asean Summit in Bali, the membership issue is on the agenda but nobody knows what kind of decision will be made.

Since the official application was filed in March, there have been efforts both inside East Timor and outside to help the region's poorest country prepare for eventual Asean membership in 2012. It is an open secret that President Jose Ramos Horta has personally been pushing this scheme. He wants to realise his dream of seeing his country as the 11th member of Asean, especially during his presidency, which ends next March, when the presidential election is scheduled. In a speech to the UN General Assembly in September, Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao even highlighted East Timor's desire to join Asean to share in the spirit of cooperation. However, as time goes by, it is clear the overall grouping's enthusiasm has diminished quickly as Asean tackles more pressing problems within the organisation. Senior Asean officials met recently in Bali and did not talk about the issue. There is no guarantee that the group's decision-makers will have changed their minds by 2015, when Asean is to form a single economic community. Papua New Guinea, an Asean observer since 1986, might want to become a member at that time too.

Oct 24, 2011

Serie “esclarecimento eleitoral” (4) Eleição (2): Votação & Abstenção

Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão*)

Problema ne’ebe mosu: ema bele ba vota ka lalika? Se ema ida lakohi ba vota, ninia sansão (castigo) saida? Se nia ba vota, nia manan saida?

Molok atu hatan, ita hare lai iha buat rua mak la hanesan – “eleição” no “votação”. Liafuan eleição ne’e luan liu – tan hatudu ba processo naruk ida husi “recenseamento eleitoral” (actualização base de dados), “apresentação das candidaturas”, harii centros de votação (estação de votos), “campanha eleitoral (propaganda), too “contagem dos votos e o apuramento dos resultados”. Iha Lei dos Órgãos da Administração Eleitoral(LOAE), hakerek tan “O sufrágio propriamente dito”. Maibe, ema barak hanoin (infelizmente, PN no Governo mos inclui), katak, eleição ne’e hanesan deit ho votação. Tan ne’e, besik ona loron eleição mak hotu-hotu (infelizmente, partido político sira hotu) fera ulun no bidu tun bidu sae atu organiza “campanha” (falun ho liafuan “consolidação”), halo “propaganda” atu manan “votos” (balun dehan “sapu bersih”, balun dehan “ra’ut moos”, seluk fali dehan “hili ida-ida too nakonu”, nst). Wainhira ninia resultado la monu iha laran mak hahu runguranga.

Nudar cidadão ne’ebe diak, nia labele taka matan ba processo eleição. Liu-liu iha fase “recenseamento eleitoral” (voter registration) ne’e obrigatório no oficioso ba ema hotu. Cidadão hotu-hotu tenki ba tau naran nudar eleitor. Maibe, iha loron atu ba halo votação, nia bele rejeita.

Saida mak Votação?

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (for the period from 8 January 2011 to 20 September 2011)

Security Council 

Distr.: General 14 October 2011 Original: English 

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (for the period from 8 January 2011 to 20 September 2011) 

 I. Introduction 

1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1969 (2011), by which the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) until 26 February 2012. It covers major developments in Timor-Leste and the implementation of the Mission’s mandate since 7 January 2011. My Special Representative, Ameerah Haq, continued to lead the Mission and coordinate with United Nations system actors and other stakeholders. She was assisted by my Deputy Special Representative for Governance Support, Development and Humanitarian Coordination, Finn Reske-Nielsen, and by my Deputy Special Representative for Security Sector Support and Rule of Law, Shigeru Mochida. UNMIT continued its “one United Nations system” approach, consistent with its integrated strategic framework.  

 II. Political and security developments since 7 January 2011 

2. The overall situation in Timor-Leste remained generally calm, with continued progress towards the consolidation of peace, stability and development. Political parties intensified their internal organizational activities in preparation for the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections. During those activities, party leaders underscored the need to sustain national unity and to concentrate on longer-term socio-economic and development strategies. At a dialogue on 26 July facilitated by the Bishop of Baucau (see para. 11 below), political leaders agreed on the importance of ensuring stability during the electoral process.  

Oct 16, 2011

Série “esclarecimento eleitoral” (3) Eleição (1): Participação & Representação

Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão

Ema hotu hatene temi liafuan “eleição”. Maibe, la’os ema hotu hatene saida mak eleição. Liafuan ida ne’e mai husi “elegere” (Latim: e + legere; bele mos eligere), katak, “hili husi”, “foti husi”. Mosu liafuan “electus” (electio) iha Bíblia no teologia nia laran, katak, Maromak hili ema balun ka foti ema balun hodi hetan kbiit atu halao knaar nudar Na’ilulik, Profeta no Liurai (Sacerdote, Profeta, Rei). Husi ne’e mak mosu liafuan élection(Frances), katak, hili husi ema barak nia leet hodi hetan kbiit atu hola knaar iha fatin ruma/ posição ruma.

Husi ne’e mos mosu liafuan élite ne’ebe hatudu ba ema lubuk ida ne’ebe hetan fatin especial iha sociedade nia leet. Idéia kona ba élite (proto-romance Latim “electus”) atu hatudu duni personagem (ema ida) ka grupo selecionado (ema lubuk ida) iha política nia laran.

Iha democracia clássica (Athenas), ema lubuk ida sai nudar elite iha ekklesia(klibur; assembléia) nia laran atu ko’alia kona ba polis (governação cidade) nia lalaok. Ninia criteria: mane (phronimos) ne’ebe hanoin klean (philosophos) no riku (desculpa: ita tempo neba, feto la tama iha politika, tan sira nia capacidade racional la too, no iha liu capacidade emocional). La iha eleição. Tan se se deit mak sinti aan mane, matenek no riku, bele tama iha ekklesia. Iha Império Romano, mosu liafuan senatus – ema lubuk ida nudar klibur aswain sira ne’ebe electus husi ema riku sira no magistrado sira lori halao knaar legislativo nudar mata-dalan ba funu-nain no povo. Tan ne’e, maski Roma ninia ukun nain hanaran imperador, maibe sira hamriik nudar Republica democrática tan ukun hamutuk hosenator.

Oct 11, 2011

Serie “esclarecimento eleitoral” (2) “Critérios de eleições”: Sura Voto, Fahe Cadeira, Ida Hira?

)* Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão

Pergunta ne’ebe mosu bebeik – “cadeira ida nia folin hira?” Analista lubuk ida mak koko atu hatan, balun dehan 8,000, ka 9,000 ka 10,000 ka 15,000 ka 20,000. Ida-idak mai ho ninia versão. Balun husu atu CNE declara lolos cadeira ida nia folin hira, atu ema bele hakmatek! Se lae, aban bainrua bele mosu manipulação. CNE labele hatan, basa seidauk mosu eleição. Ninia razão simples deit, katak, baibain ita iha tiha sasan ruma mak ita fahe ... wainhira liman sei mamuk ita labele fahe buat ida. Nune’e mos atu fahe sasan ruma, ita iha sasukat.

Hare hikas iha Lei eleitoral para o Parlamento Nacional (LEPN), pergunta iha leten la relevante. Maibe buat ne’ebe ita bele husu: “Ema nain hira mak hetan cadeira?” no “Oinsa mak hetan cadeira ne’e?” Resposta ba ida uluk – ema nain 65 mak hetan cadeira. Ba ida seluk: hare (a) barreira eleitoral no (b) método de Hondt. Ida ne’e mak sai hanesan sasukat, ka, “critérios de eleições” atu oinsa mak partido/ candidato sira hetan cadeira no manan eleição. Ita tenki dehan mos, katak, partido ne’ebe lakon eleição mak sira ne’ebe la hetan cadeira ida.

Oct 10, 2011

Di Bibirmu, Bibirku Bersujud

Cerpen Haz Algebra

Cahaya pagi menerobos celah-celah jendela, membentuk garis-garis lurus yang bergabung menjadi lembar-lembar sinar membentang, membagi ruangan kamar menjadi dua, seperti pintu dimensi menuju alam gaib. Cahaya itu bermuara tepat di atas sebuah wajah lalu berhamburan saat mengenai pipi cembung bening. Sebagian meresap bersembunyi di balik rambut-rambut halus yang membuat seksi bagian atas bibirnya yang tipis. Sebagian lagi menyambar lonceng pagi di pelupuk matanya.

Perempuan jauh. Sandarkan mimpi di tembok pagi. Seperti sehabis semalam. Matanya meremang. Mangucak-ngucak. Lalu merentangkan tangannya dengan gemulai. Memperlihatkan lekukan setengah badan yang didominasi dada yang montok.

Oct 9, 2011

Série “esclarecimento eleitoral” (1) ÓRGÃOS DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO ELEITORAL

Série “esclarecimento eleitoral” (1)

Martinho G. da Silva Gusmão

Besik daudaun ona eleição, ema hotu sei hateke lisuk Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) no Secretariado Técnico da Administração Eleitoral (STAE). Tuir Lei-Inang artigo 65 no. 6 dehan “A supervisão do recenceamento e dos actos eleitorais cabe a um órgão independente, cujas competências, composição, organização e funcionamento são fixados por lei”. Husi ne’e mak PN halo lei nº. 5/ 2008 no alteração nº 6/ 2011 kona Órgãos da Administração Eleitoral (LOAE). Husi constituição ita hare kedas knaar boot 2 ne’ebe CNE halo mak “supervisão” ba “recenseamento” no ba “actos eleitorais”. LOAE hatur hikas CNE ninia competência (a–k) hodi esplica liu tan kona ba “actos eleitorais”.

Atu hatene didiak CNE ninia competência, ita bele compara eleição ne’e hanesan “jogo” ida (i.e., football karik) iha campo democracia nia laran. Equipa sira ne’ebe atu joga mak partido político. Atu manan ka atu lakon, ne’e partido político mak tama campo laran atu joga contra malu. Atu joga diak no hakarak manan, sira tenki halo treinamento maka’as, halo estratégia programática no esquemática hodi joga didiak. Atu joga foer ka joga mos, ne’e partido mak halo iha campo laran. Atu hetan cartão mean ka kinur, ne’e partido mak sukat ninia jogo. Atu hatama gol ka tebe sai ba liur deit mos, partido mak iha ain no matan atu hare baliza. Dirigente partido sira mak hanesan equipa “treinador”, hamutuk ho equipa “massage” nian. Wainhira dirigente la iha imaginação política atu manan ho elegância, sei mosu joga foer no lakon.

Oct 3, 2011

6 reasons to visit East Timor – CNN Go


Yes, really. The country also known as Timor-Leste  is not a popular destination ­ but it should be. Here’s why.

Diving, whale-watching, trekking, biking, great scenery, stunning mountain driving, and beautiful white-sand beaches. East Timor is one of the world’s unsung tourism destinations. Tourist numbers are low compared with other places in the region, perhaps put off by the country’s politically-unsettled and impoverished image, which contributes to a dearth of flights into the country, which in turn drives prices up and inhibits visitor numbers, which in turn keeps flight prices high, which in turn … you get the idea.

But slowly, visitors are recognizing the appeal of the place. National Tourism director José Quintas says visitors increased from 37,000 in 2008 to 85,000 in 2010.

So if you want to try something new yet still enjoy the conventional sun, sea and sand with an adventurous twist, Asia’s “newest nation” is well worth a look.

1. Spectacular diving

“Oh Timor shits all over Thailand for diving,” says Greg Duncan, dive instructor and boat skipper at Dive Timor Lorosae. He should know, after previously working for two years on Ko Tao, a diving hub in southern Thailand.

“A lot of places in the region ­ off Australia, Malaysia ­ are over-dived,” he says. “Not here.”