Mar 5, 2014

The Challenges of Jobs Market Competition in Timor-Leste

Since the independent, Timor-Leste has received a lot of assistance from international communities, whether it is fund, equipment and capacity building. The international agencies; UN agencies and international agencies have been working on capacity building of human resources for the development of the nation. Billions of dollars have been pouring to the development of human resources through the difference of schemes; however the human resource is still less developed.  At the international organization, the higher positions are occupied by international people and Timorese are at lower; assistant, associate, cleaner, security guards and gardener. People at lower positions were produced globally but lack of experience so the capability is not proved yet by the organization/ employment.
This situation also happens in the government organizations. Most of the high positions in the government are dominated by the people with international certification, with several acknowledgement of informal education, with proficiency in languages and skilled in computer programs. Those are categorized as skilled people as they are capable in technical skill, personal quality and widen connection. There is not much difficult for them to compete in labour market.
 According to the Timor-Leste national statistic, the number of people who are competing in job market is increased rapidly every year, in the same time the unemployment rate is also increased. Even the government through the Secretary of State for the Vocational Training and Employment has dispatched many Timorese youth to South Korea and Australia every year but it does not reduce unemployment rate significantly. Timorese workers in Australia and South Korea are located in lower position as unskilled workers. The wages will be sent to the country; however they are no capable enough to be a manager when they return home, some case may happens but that is just relatively. It is clearly seen that the most company in Timor-Leste are managed by foreigners and Timorese are office staff with minor responsibility.
The job creation by Timorese people is still fewer compare to the foreigners in Timor-Leste, even just selling snacks in the streets, mostly occupied by foreigners; Indian, Indonesia, Vietnamese and other less development countries in ASIAN.
The major industrialization for job creation is in agriculture sector.  But unfortunately, local people still manage the agriculture production by traditional manners so the yield of the product is not well utilized. The mindset of the agriculture is “harvest for eating or yields for selling to get money”. That is it. Even the agriculture is the major industry in contribution to the job creation however people are not interested in because there is no supporting sector such as infrastructure, matchmaking market, and distribution of product after harvesting. People are mostly compete in officer affairs such as administration & finance, IT, engineering, education and training, secretary, accounting, and other positions related in offices. For these places, people is required to have enough skills and others abilities with trusted certificates in order to be selected by the employments.
Various efforts have been running by organizations and companies to build up the skills in order to have opportunity for self-employed but is still not appeared yet. The job creations by the public and private institutions are not sufficient to accommodate many people.  Higher education, skills and some other competencies are essential to master enough in order to compete in the labour markets.

By Octa S. de C.

Jan 23, 2014

Saude, Fasilidade, no Atendimentu Publiku

Inkontru loron ba loron, informasaun wain haklekar iha oin, dala-wain hau tuur hakmatek hodi rona deit, dala-ruma hau laaguenta atu hato'o opiniaun balun, dala-barak hau hekerek deit iha diariu moris nian.
Ohin, inkontru kona-ba saude nian, fasilidade sira saude nian atu responde ba nesisidade funsionariu sira nian. Doutor nain rua husi rai liur, halo visita mai Timor, atu hare ho matan fasilidade mediku nian no mos rekursu iha area saude nian. Interesante.
Tinan 13 liu ona, Timor moris iha ambiente ukun rasik-an, esforsu barak halo ona iha area hotu-hotu hodi dezenvolve rai independenti ida ne'e. Iha area saude nian, bele dehan katak esforsu maka'as tebes, hahu kedas tinan balun deit, hetan ona akordu ho nasaun Kuba, haruka estudante rihun ba estuda kona-ba mediku nian atu iha futuru bele fo serbisu diak halo tratamentu ba ema moras sira iha Timor. Nune'es esforsu sidadaun joventude barak ne'ebe dedika sira nia-an estuda iha area saude nian iha nasaun barak, bele temi Fiji, Australia, Indonesia, no seluk tan.
Prosesu la'o nafatin ba oin, rekursu umanu komesa naton ona, ekipamentu no fasilidade sira to'o ka lato'o, naton dadaun ona. Maibe ejizensia aas ba bebeik, nesisidade iha area saude maka'as tebe-tebes, ema hotu-hotu persija atendementu, ema ida-idak hakarak moris saudavel. Tanba ne'e, persija nafatin esforsu, laos ona haruka estudante ba estuda maibe oin nusa atu halo jestor ida diak, briliante hodi jere rekursu umanu ne'ebe naton ona ne'e ho fasilidade sira ne'ebe iha dadauk. Ita persija urjente treinamnetu balun ne'ebe liga ba Etika Baziku, atu atende ema ho oin midar, ho lian mamar, ho hahalok benvindu, no fo hakmatek no dame ba ema moras sira.
Hafoin halo tiha visita iha Klinika barak no Hospital Nasional, rezultadu mak dehan katak Timor-Leste bele ona tama kategoria fo tratamentu saude level un katak iha ona kapasidade atu salva ema nia moris iha emerjensia no oferese tratamentu saude baziku, maibe seidauk bele kura ema to'o diak lolos, katak fo tiha salvasaun ba ema nia moris no fo tratamentu saude baziku, tenke haruka ema ne'e ba rai seluk atu kura nia moras to'o diak, rekopera fila fali, halakon tiha moras ne'e.
Iha mos komentariu no esperensia balun husi ema barak kona-ba atendementu iha sala emerjensia Hospital Nasional ninian bazea ba faktu sira; katak bainhira lori ema ba sala emerjensia no ema ne'e iha kondisaun kritiku atu mate ona maibe funsionariu sira haruka atu forma tuir lina, katak se mak mai uluk sei hetan tratamentu uluk, prinsipiu ida ne'e lavalidu iha situasaun emerjensia. Iha mos balun dehan; fatin laiha ona, katak sala emerjensia nakonu ona, entaun kala ema ne'e labele hetan atendementu emerjensia. Iha mos dehan tan katak; doutor la iha, ne'e hatudu katak sala emerjensia lafunsiona 24 horas. Aat liu ka hau tauk loron Sabado ho Domingu sala emerjensia taka tanba ferias, entaun se ita lori ema moras ba sala emerjensia iha loron Sabado, sei hatan mai fali iha loron Segunda hehe...
Espera, ita sei bele hadiak ita nia sistema atendimentu saude nian iha nasaun ida ne'e ho ita nia rekursu umanu ne'ebe barak dadaun ona, no mos fasilidade no ekipamentu sira ne'ebe iha. Fo nafatin suporta ba maluk Timor oan sira ne'ebe dedika sira nia moris atu servi iha area saude, no hein katak sira hotu hala'o sira nia funsaun ho profesionalidade.